Source code for adios4dolfinx.legacy_readers

# Copyright (C) 2023 Jørgen Schartum Dokken
# This file is part of adios4dolfinx
# SPDX-License-Identifier:    MIT

from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
import typing

from mpi4py import MPI

import adios2
import basix
import dolfinx
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import ufl

from .adios2_helpers import (
from .comm_helpers import send_dofs_and_recv_values
from .utils import (

adios2 = resolve_adios_scope(adios2)

__all__ = [

def read_dofmap_legacy(
    comm: MPI.Intracomm,
    filename: pathlib.Path,
    dofmap: str,
    dofmap_offsets: str,
    num_cells_global: np.int64,
    engine: str,
    cells: npt.NDArray[np.int64],
    dof_pos: npt.NDArray[np.int32],
    bs: int,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.int64]:
    Read dofmap with given communicator, split in continuous chunks based on number of
    cells in the mesh (global).

        comm: MPI communicator
        filename: Path to input file
        dofmap: Variable name for dofmap
        num_cells_global: Number of cells in the global mesh
        engine: ADIOS2 engine type
        cells: Cells (global index) that contain a degree of freedom
        dof_pos: Each entry `dof_pos[i]` corresponds to the local position in the

        The global dof index in the input data for each dof described by
        the (cells[i], dof_pos[i]) tuples.

    .. note::
        No MPI communication is done during this call
    local_cell_range = compute_local_range(comm, num_cells_global)

    # Open ADIOS engine
    adios = adios2.ADIOS(comm)
    with ADIOSFile(
    ) as adios_file:
        for i in range(adios_file.file.Steps()):
            if dofmap_offsets in

        d_offsets =
        shape = d_offsets.Shape()

        # As the offsets are one longer than the number of cells, we need to read in with an overlap
        if len(shape) == 1:
                [[local_cell_range[0]], [local_cell_range[1] + 1 - local_cell_range[0]]]
            in_offsets = np.empty(
                local_cell_range[1] + 1 - local_cell_range[0],
                    [local_cell_range[0], 0],
                    [local_cell_range[1] + 1 - local_cell_range[0], shape[1]],
            in_offsets = np.empty(
                (local_cell_range[1] + 1 - local_cell_range[0], shape[1]),

        in_offsets = in_offsets.squeeze()
        adios_file.file.Get(d_offsets, in_offsets, adios2.Mode.Sync)
        # Get the relevant part of the dofmap
        if dofmap not in
            raise KeyError(f"Dof offsets not found at {dofmap}")
        cell_dofs =

        if len(shape) == 1:
            cell_dofs.SetSelection([[in_offsets[0]], [in_offsets[-1] - in_offsets[0]]])
            in_dofmap = np.empty(in_offsets[-1] - in_offsets[0], dtype=cell_dofs.Type().strip("_t"))
            cell_dofs.SetSelection([[in_offsets[0], 0], [in_offsets[-1] - in_offsets[0], shape[1]]])
            in_dofmap = np.empty(
                (in_offsets[-1] - in_offsets[0], shape[1]),
            assert shape[1] == 1

        adios_file.file.Get(cell_dofs, in_dofmap, adios2.Mode.Sync)

        in_dofmap = in_dofmap.reshape(-1).astype(np.int64)

        # Map xxxyyyzzz to xyzxyz
        mapped_dofmap = np.empty_like(in_dofmap)
        for i in range(len(in_offsets) - 1):
            pos_begin, pos_end = (
                in_offsets[i] - in_offsets[0],
                in_offsets[i + 1] - in_offsets[0],
            dofs_i = in_dofmap[pos_begin:pos_end]
            assert (pos_end - pos_begin) % bs == 0
            num_dofs_local = int((pos_end - pos_begin) // bs)
            for k in range(bs):
                for j in range(num_dofs_local):
                    mapped_dofmap[int(pos_begin + j * bs + k)] = dofs_i[int(num_dofs_local * k + j)]

        # Extract dofmap data
        global_dofs = np.zeros_like(cells, dtype=np.int64)
        input_cell_positions = cells - local_cell_range[0]
        read_pos = (in_offsets[input_cell_positions] + dof_pos - in_offsets[0]).astype(np.int32)
        global_dofs = mapped_dofmap[read_pos]
        del input_cell_positions, read_pos


    return global_dofs

def send_cells_and_receive_dofmap_index(
    filename: pathlib.Path,
    comm: MPI.Intracomm,
    source_ranks: npt.NDArray[np.int32],
    dest_ranks: npt.NDArray[np.int32],
    dest_size: npt.NDArray[np.int32],
    output_owners: npt.NDArray[np.int32],
    input_cells: npt.NDArray[np.int64],
    dofmap_pos: npt.NDArray[np.int32],
    num_cells_global: np.int64,
    dofmap_path: str,
    xdofmap_path: str,
    engine: str,
    bs: int,
) -> npt.NDArray[np.int64]:
    Given a set of positions in input dofmap, give the global input index of this dofmap entry
    in input file.

    recv_size = np.zeros(len(source_ranks), dtype=np.int32)
    mesh_to_data_comm = comm.Create_dist_graph_adjacent(
        source_ranks.tolist(), dest_ranks.tolist(), reorder=False
    # Send sizes to create data structures for receiving from NeighAlltoAllv
    mesh_to_data_comm.Neighbor_alltoall(dest_size, recv_size)

    # Sort output for sending and fill send data
    out_cells = np.zeros(len(output_owners), dtype=np.int64)
    out_pos = np.zeros(len(output_owners), dtype=np.int32)
    proc_to_dof = np.zeros_like(input_cells, dtype=np.int32)
    insertion_array = compute_insert_position(output_owners, dest_ranks, dest_size)
    out_cells[insertion_array] = input_cells
    out_pos[insertion_array] = dofmap_pos
    proc_to_dof[insertion_array] = np.arange(len(input_cells), dtype=np.int32)
    del insertion_array

    # Prepare data-structures for receiving
    total_incoming = sum(recv_size)
    inc_cells = np.zeros(total_incoming, dtype=np.int64)
    inc_pos = np.zeros(total_incoming, dtype=np.intc)

    # Send data
    s_msg = [out_cells, dest_size, MPI.INT64_T]
    r_msg = [inc_cells, recv_size, MPI.INT64_T]
    mesh_to_data_comm.Neighbor_alltoallv(s_msg, r_msg)

    s_msg = [out_pos, dest_size, MPI.INT32_T]
    r_msg = [inc_pos, recv_size, MPI.INT32_T]
    mesh_to_data_comm.Neighbor_alltoallv(s_msg, r_msg)
    # Read dofmap from file
    input_dofs = read_dofmap_legacy(
    # Send input dofs back to owning process
    data_to_mesh_comm = comm.Create_dist_graph_adjacent(
        dest_ranks.tolist(), source_ranks.tolist(), reorder=False

    incoming_global_dofs = np.zeros(sum(dest_size), dtype=np.int64)
    s_msg = [input_dofs, recv_size, MPI.INT64_T]
    r_msg = [incoming_global_dofs, dest_size, MPI.INT64_T]
    data_to_mesh_comm.Neighbor_alltoallv(s_msg, r_msg)

    # Sort incoming global dofs as they were inputted
    sorted_global_dofs = np.zeros_like(incoming_global_dofs, dtype=np.int64)
    assert len(incoming_global_dofs) == len(input_cells)
    sorted_global_dofs[proc_to_dof] = incoming_global_dofs
    return sorted_global_dofs

def read_mesh_geometry(io: adios2.ADIOS, infile: adios2.Engine, group: str):
    for geometry_key in [f"{group}/geometry", f"{group}/coordinates"]:
        if geometry_key in io.AvailableVariables().keys():
        raise KeyError(f"Mesh coordintes not found at '{group}/coordinates'")

    geometry = io.InquireVariable(geometry_key)
    shape = geometry.Shape()
    local_range = compute_local_range(MPI.COMM_WORLD, shape[0])
    geometry.SetSelection([[local_range[0], 0], [local_range[1] - local_range[0], shape[1]]])
    mesh_geometry = np.empty(
        (local_range[1] - local_range[0], shape[1]),

    infile.Get(geometry, mesh_geometry, adios2.Mode.Sync)
    return mesh_geometry

[docs] def read_mesh_from_legacy_h5( filename: pathlib.Path, comm: MPI.Intracomm, group: str, cell_type: str = "tetrahedron", ) -> dolfinx.mesh.Mesh: """ Read mesh from `h5`-file generated by legacy DOLFIN `HDF5File.write` or `XDMF.write_checkpoint`. Args: comm: MPI communicator to distribute mesh over filename: Path to `h5` or `xdmf` file group: Name of mesh in `h5`-file cell_type: What type of cell type, by default tetrahedron. """ # Make sure we use the HDF5File and check that the file is present filename = pathlib.Path(filename).with_suffix(".h5") if not filename.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {filename} does not exist") # Create ADIOS2 reader adios = adios2.ADIOS(comm) with ADIOSFile( adios=adios, filename=filename, mode=adios2.Mode.Read, io_name="Mesh reader", engine="HDF5", ) as adios_file: # Get mesh topology (distributed) if f"{group}/topology" not in raise KeyError(f"Mesh topology not found at '{group}/topology'") topology ="{group}/topology") shape = topology.Shape() local_range = compute_local_range(MPI.COMM_WORLD, shape[0]) topology.SetSelection([[local_range[0], 0], [local_range[1] - local_range[0], shape[1]]]) mesh_topology = np.empty( (local_range[1] - local_range[0], shape[1]), dtype=topology.Type().strip("_t"), ) adios_file.file.Get(topology, mesh_topology, adios2.Mode.Sync) # Get mesh cell type if f"{group}/topology/celltype" in celltype ="{group}/topology/celltype") cell_type = celltype.DataString()[0] # Get mesh geometry mesh_geometry = read_mesh_geometry(, infile=adios_file.file, group=group) # Create DOLFINx mesh element = basix.ufl.element( basix.ElementFamily.P, cell_type, 1, basix.LagrangeVariant.equispaced, shape=(mesh_geometry.shape[1],), ) domain = ufl.Mesh(element) return dolfinx.mesh.create_mesh(MPI.COMM_WORLD, mesh_topology, mesh_geometry, domain)
[docs] def read_function_from_legacy_h5( filename: pathlib.Path, comm: MPI.Intracomm, u: dolfinx.fem.Function, group: str = "mesh", step: typing.Optional[int] = None, ): """ Read function from a `h5`-file generated by legacy DOLFIN `HDF5File.write` or `XDMF.write_checkpoint`. Args: comm : MPI communicator to distribute mesh over filename : Path to `h5` or `xdmf` file u : The function used to stored the read values group : Group within the `h5` file where the function is stored, by default "mesh" step : The time step used when saving the checkpoint. If not provided it will assume that the function is saved as a regular function (i.e with `HDF5File.write`) """ # Make sure we use the HDF5File and check that the file is present filename = pathlib.Path(filename).with_suffix(".h5") if not filename.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {filename} does not exist") V = u.function_space mesh = u.function_space.mesh if u.function_space.element.needs_dof_transformations: raise RuntimeError( "Function-spaces requiring dof permutations are not compatible with legacy data" ) # ----------------------Step 1--------------------------------- # Compute index of input cells, and position in input dofmap local_cells, dof_pos = compute_dofmap_pos(u.function_space) input_cells = mesh.topology.original_cell_index[local_cells] # Compute mesh->input communicator # 1.1 Compute mesh->input communicator num_cells_global = mesh.topology.index_map(mesh.topology.dim).size_global owners = index_owner(mesh.comm, input_cells, num_cells_global) unique_owners, owner_count = np.unique(owners, return_counts=True) # FIXME: In C++ use NBX to find neighbourhood _tmp_comm = mesh.comm.Create_dist_graph( [mesh.comm.rank], [len(unique_owners)], unique_owners, reorder=False ) source, dest, _ = _tmp_comm.Get_dist_neighbors() _tmp_comm.Free() # Strip out any / group = group.strip("/") if step is not None: group = f"{group}/{group}_{step}" vector_group = "vector" else: vector_group = "vector_0" # ----------------------Step 2-------------------------------- # Get global dofmap indices from input process bs = num_cells_global = mesh.topology.index_map(mesh.topology.dim).size_global dofmap_indices = send_cells_and_receive_dofmap_index( filename, comm, np.asarray(source, dtype=np.int32), np.asarray(dest, dtype=np.int32), owner_count.astype(np.int32), owners, input_cells, dof_pos, num_cells_global, f"/{group}/cell_dofs", f"/{group}/x_cell_dofs", "HDF5", bs, ) # ----------------------Step 3--------------------------------- # Compute owner of global dof on distributed mesh num_dof_global = V.dofmap.index_map_bs * V.dofmap.index_map.size_global dof_owner = index_owner(comm=mesh.comm, indices=dofmap_indices, N=num_dof_global) # Create MPI neigh comm to owner. # NOTE: USE NBX in C++ # Read input data adios = adios2.ADIOS(comm) local_array, starting_pos = read_array( adios, filename, f"/{group}/{vector_group}", "HDF5", comm, legacy=True ) # Send global dof indices to correct input process, and receive value of given dof local_values = send_dofs_and_recv_values( dofmap_indices, dof_owner, comm, local_array, starting_pos ) # ----------------------Step 4--------------------------------- # Populate local part of array and scatter forward u.x.array[: len(local_values)] = local_values u.x.scatter_forward()