Jørgen S. Dokken

Image of J.S.Dokken

About me

I am currently employed at Simula Research Laboratory as a Senior Research Engineer. I am also one of the administrators of the FEniCS Discourse forum and I am member of the FEniCS Steering Council.

From 2019-2022 I worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, working on the ASiMoV project with Chris Richardson and Garth Wells on the ASiMoV-project. The main goal of this project was to do the worlds first, high fidelity simulation of a complete gas-turbine engine during operation, simultaneously including the effects of thermo-mechanics, electromagnetics, and CFD. My main focus during this project was contact mechanics, multi-point constraints and large scale simulations with MPI.

From 2016-2019 I took my PhD at Simula Research Laboratory on the subject of Shape Optimization with Finite Element Methods.

Latest news







I am involved in the development of the following software: The FEniCS logo