Jørgen S. Dokken

Publication list


Jørgen S. Dokken, Patrick E. Farrell, Brendan Keith, Ioannis P. A. Papadopoulos, Thomas M. Surowiec. The latent variable proximal point algorithm for variational problems with inequality constraints, (2025). [arΧiv] [BibTeΧ]
Jana Brunátová and Jørgen Schartum Dokken and Kristian Valen-Sendstad and Jaroslav Hron. On the numerical evaluation of wall shear stress using the finite element method, (2025). [arΧiv] [BibTeΧ]


Emmet A. Francis and Justin G. Laughlin and Jørgen S. Dokken and Henrik N. T. Finsberg and Christopher T. Lee and Marie E. Rognes and Padmini Rangamani. Spatial modeling algorithms for reactions and transport in biological cells, Nature Computational Science (2024). [doi.org/10.1038/s43588-024-00745-x] [BibTeΧ]
Dokken, Jørgen S.. ADIOS4DOLFINx: A framework for checkpointing in FEniCS, Journal of Open Source Software 9 (96) (2024). [doi.org/10.21105/joss.06451] [BibTeΧ]


Baratta, Igor A. and Dean, Joseph P. and Dokken, Jørgen S. and Habera, Michal and Hale, Jack S. and Richardson, Chris N. and Rognes, Marie E. and Scroggs, Matthew W. and Sime, Nathan and Wells, Garth N.. DOLFINx: The next generation FEniCS problem solving environment, (2023). [doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10447666] [BibTeΧ]
Justin G. Laughlin and Jørgen S. Dokken and Henrik N.t. Finsberg and Emmet A. Francis and Christopher T. Lee and Marie E. Rognes and Padmini Rangamani. SMART: Spatial Modeling Algorithms for Reactions and Transport, Journal of Open Source Software 8 (90) (2023). [doi.org/10.21105/joss.05580] [BibTeΧ]


Scroggs, Matthew W. and Dokken, Jørgen S. and Richardson, Chris N. and Wells, Garth N.. Construction of Arbitrary Order Finite Element Degree-of-Freedom Maps on Polygonal and Polyhedral Cell Meshes, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 48 (2) (2022). [doi.org/10.1145/3524456] [BibTeΧ]
Arbes, Florian and Jensen, Øyvind and Mardal, Kent-Andre and Dokken, Jørgen S.. Model order reduction of solidification problems, (2022). [doi.org/10.23967/eccomas.2022.179] [BibTeΧ]


J. S. Dokken and A. Johansson and A. Massing and S. W. Funke. A multimesh finite element method for the Navier--Stokes equations based on projection methods, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 368 (2020). [doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2020.113129] [BibTeΧ]
J. S. Dokken and S. K. Mitusch and S W. Funke. Automatic shape derivatives for transient PDEs in FEniCS and Firedrake, (2020). [arΧiv] [BibTeΧ]


J. S. Dokken, S. W. Funke, A.Johansson, S.Schmidt. Shape Optimization Using the Finite Element Method on Multiple Meshes with Nitsche Coupling, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (3) (2019) A1923–A1948. [doi.org/10.1137/18M1189208] [BibTeΧ]
S. K. Mitusch and S. W. Funke and J. S. Dokken. dolfin-adjoint 2018.1: automated adjoints for FEniCS and Firedrake, Journal of Open Source Software 4 (38) (2019). [doi.org/10.21105/joss.01292] [BibTeΧ]


J. S. Dokken and J. Grue and L. P. Karstensen. Wave analysis of porous geometry with linear resistance law, Journal of Marine Science and Application 16 (4) (2017) 480–489. [doi.org/10.1007/s11804-017-1438-2] [BibTeΧ]
J. S. Dokken and J. Grue and L. P. Karstensen. Wave forces on porous geometries with linear and quadratic pressure-velocity relations, Proc. Int. Workshop Water Waves Float. Bodies 32 (2017). [pdf] [BibTeΧ]

For related research, have a look at my Google scholar page.


J. S. Dokken. Shape Optimization for Finite Element Methods, University of Oslo, PhD thesis (2020). [BibTeΧ]
J. S. Dokken. Beregninger av første- og andreordens krefter på porøse geometrier med lineær og kvadratisk hastighet-trykk relasjon, University of Oslo, Master thesis (2016). [pdf] [BibTeΧ] [Permalink]