Main module for DOLFINX_MPC
- class dolfinx_mpc.LinearProblem(a: Form, L: Form, mpc: MultiPointConstraint, bcs: List[DirichletBC] | None = None, u: Function | None = None, petsc_options: dict | None = None, form_compiler_options: dict | None = None, jit_options: dict | None = None)[source]#
Class for solving a linear variational problem with multi point constraints of the form a(u, v) = L(v) for all v using PETSc as a linear algebra backend.
- Parameters:
a – A bilinear UFL form, the left hand side of the variational problem.
L – A linear UFL form, the right hand side of the variational problem.
mpc – The multi point constraint.
bcs – A list of Dirichlet boundary conditions.
u –
The solution function. It will be created if not provided. The function has to be based on the functionspace in the mpc, i.e.
u = dolfinx.fem.Function(mpc.function_space)
petsc_options – Parameters that is passed to the linear algebra backend PETSc. #type: ignore For available choices for the ‘petsc_options’ kwarg, see the PETSc-documentation
form_compiler_options – Parameters used in FFCx compilation of this form. Run ffcx –help at the commandline to see all available options. Takes priority over all other parameter values, except for scalar_type which is determined by DOLFINx.
jit_options – Parameters used in CFFI JIT compilation of C code generated by FFCx. See FEniCS/dolfinx for all available parameters. Takes priority over all other parameter values.
Example usage:
problem = LinearProblem(a, L, mpc, [bc0, bc1], petsc_options={"ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "lu"})
- class dolfinx_mpc.MultiPointConstraint(V: ~dolfinx.fem.function.FunctionSpace, dtype: ~numpy.floating = <class 'numpy.float64'>)[source]#
Hold data for multi point constraint relation ships, including new index maps for local assembly of matrices and vectors.
- Parameters:
V – The function space
dtype – The dtype of the underlying functions
- add_constraint(V: FunctionSpace, slaves: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]], masters: ndarray[Any, dtype[int64]], coeffs: ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]] | ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] | ndarray[Any, dtype[complex64]] | ndarray[Any, dtype[complex128]], owners: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]], offsets: ndarray[Any, dtype[int32]])[source]#
Add new constraint given by numpy arrays.
- Parameters:
V – The function space for the constraint
slaves – List of all slave dofs (using local dof numbering) on this process
masters – List of all master dofs (using global dof numbering) on this process
coeffs – The coefficients corresponding to each master.
owners – The process each master is owned by.
offsets –
Array indicating the location in the masters array for the i-th slave in the slaves arrays, i.e.
masters_of_owned_slave[i] = masters[offsets[i]:offsets[i+1]]
- add_constraint_from_mpc_data(V: FunctionSpace, mpc_data: mpc_data_double | mpc_data_float | mpc_data_complex_double | mpc_data_complex_float | MPCData)[source]#
Add new constraint given by an dolfinc_mpc.cpp.mpc.mpc_data-object
- backsubstitution(u: Function | Vec) None [source]#
For a Function, impose the multi-point constraint by backsubstiution. This function is used after solving the reduced problem to obtain the values at the slave degrees of freedom
It is the users responsibility to destroy the PETSc vector
- Parameters:
u – The input function
- property cell_to_slaves#
Returns an dolfinx.cpp.graph.AdjacencyList_int32 whose ith node corresponds to the ith cell (local to process), and links the corresponding slave degrees of freedom in the cell (local to process).
cell_to_slaves = mpc.cell_to_slaves() slaves_in_cell_i = cell_to_slaves.links(i)
- coefficients() ndarray[Any, dtype[float32]] | ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]] | ndarray[Any, dtype[complex64]] | ndarray[Any, dtype[complex128]] [source]#
Returns a vector containing the coefficients for the constraint, and the corresponding offsets for the ith degree of freedom.
coeffs, offsets = mpc.coefficients() coeffs_of_slave_i = coeffs[offsets[i]:offsets[i+1]]
- create_contact_inelastic_condition(meshtags: MeshTags_int32, slave_marker: int, master_marker: int, eps2: float = 1e-20)[source]#
Create a contact inelastic condition between two sets of facets marker with individual markers. The interfaces should be within machine precision of eachother, but the vertices does not need to align. The condition created is \(u_s = u_m\) where s is the restriction to the slave facets, m to the master facets.
- Parameters:
meshtags – The meshtags of the set of facets to tie together
slave_marker – The marker of the slave facets
master_marker – The marker of the master facets
eps2 – The tolerance for the squared distance between cells to be considered as a collision
- create_contact_slip_condition(meshtags: MeshTags, slave_marker: int, master_marker: int, normal: Function, eps2: float = 1e-20)[source]#
Create a slip condition between two sets of facets marker with individual markers. The interfaces should be within machine precision of eachother, but the vertices does not need to align. The condition created is \(u_s \cdot normal_s = u_m \cdot normal_m\) where s is the restriction to the slave facets, m to the master facets.
- Parameters:
meshtags – The meshtags of the set of facets to tie together
slave_marker – The marker of the slave facets
master_marker – The marker of the master facets
normal – The function used in the dot-product of the constraint
eps2 – The tolerance for the squared distance between cells to be considered as a collision
- create_general_constraint(slave_master_dict: Dict[bytes, Dict[bytes, float]], subspace_slave: int | None = None, subspace_master: int | None = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
V – The function space
slave_master_dict – Nested dictionary, where the first key is the bit representing the slave dof’s coordinate in the mesh. The item of this key is a dictionary, where each key of this dictionary is the bit representation of the master dof’s coordinate, and the item the coefficient for the MPC equation.
subspace_slave – If using mixed or vector space, and only want to use dofs from a sub space as slave add index here
subspace_master – Subspace index for mixed or vector spaces
If the dof D located at [d0, d1] should be constrained to the dofs E and F at [e0, e1] and [f0, f1] as \(D = \alpha E + \beta F\) the dictionary should be:
{numpy.array([d0, d1], dtype=mesh.geometry.x.dtype).tobytes(): {numpy.array([e0, e1], dtype=mesh.geometry.x.dtype).tobytes(): alpha, numpy.array([f0, f1], dtype=mesh.geometry.x.dtype).tobytes(): beta}}
- create_periodic_constraint_geometrical(V: FunctionSpace, indicator: Callable[[ndarray], ndarray], relation: Callable[[ndarray], ndarray], bcs: List[DirichletBC], scale: float32 | float64 | complex128 | complex64 = np.float64(1.0))[source]#
Create a periodic condition for all degrees of freedom whose physical location satisfies \(indicator(x_i)==True\), i.e. \(u(x_i) = scale * u(relation(x_i))\) for all \(x_i\)
- Parameters:
V – The function space to assign the condition to. Should either be the space of the MPC or a sub space.
indicator – Lambda-function to locate degrees of freedom that should be slaves
relation – Lambda-function describing the geometrical relation to master dofs
bcs – Dirichlet boundary conditions for the problem (Periodic constraints will be ignored for these dofs)
scale – Float for scaling bc
- create_periodic_constraint_topological(V: FunctionSpace, meshtag: MeshTags, tag: int, relation: Callable[[ndarray], ndarray], bcs: List[DirichletBC], scale: float32 | float64 | complex128 | complex64 = np.float64(1.0))[source]#
Create periodic condition for all closure dofs of on all entities in meshtag with value tag. \(u(x_i) = scale * u(relation(x_i))\) for all of \(x_i\) on marked entities.
- Parameters:
V – The function space to assign the condition to. Should either be the space of the MPC or a sub space. meshtag: MeshTag for entity to apply the periodic condition on
tag – Tag indicating which entities should be slaves
relation – Lambda-function describing the geometrical relation
bcs – Dirichlet boundary conditions for the problem (Periodic constraints will be ignored for these dofs)
scale – Float for scaling bc
- create_slip_constraint(space: FunctionSpace, facet_marker: Tuple[MeshTags, int], v: Function, bcs: List[DirichletBC] = [])[source]#
Create a slip constraint \(u \cdot v=0\) over the entities defined in facet_marker with the given index.
- Parameters:
space – Function space (possible sub space) for the current constraint
facet_marker – Tuple containomg the mesh tag and marker used to locate degrees of freedom
v – Function containing the directional vector to dot your slip condition (most commonly a normal vector)
bcs – List of Dirichlet BCs (slip conditions will be ignored on these dofs)
Create constaint \(u\cdot n=0\) of all indices in mt marked with i
V = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(mesh, ("CG", 1)) mpc = MultiPointConstraint(V) n = dolfinx.fem.Function(V) mpc.create_slip_constaint(V, (mt, i), n)
Create slip constaint for a mixed function space:
cellname = mesh.ufl_cell().cellname() Ve = basix.ufl.element(basix.ElementFamily.P, cellname , 2, shape=(mesh.geometry.dim,)) Qe = basix.ufl.element(basix.ElementFamily.P, cellname , 1) me = basix.ufl.mixed_element([Ve, Qe]) W = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(mesh, me) mpc = MultiPointConstraint(W) n_space, _ = W.sub(0).collapse() normal = dolfinx.fem.Function(n_space) mpc.create_slip_constraint(W.sub(0), (mt, i), normal, bcs=[])
A slip condition cannot be applied on the same degrees of freedom as a Dirichlet BC, and therefore any Dirichlet bc for the space of the multi point constraint should be supplied.
cellname = mesh.ufl_cell().cellname() Ve = basix.ufl.element(basix.ElementFamily.P, cellname , 2, shape=(mesh.geometry.dim,)) Qe = basix.ufl.element(basix.ElementFamily.P, cellname , 1) me = basix.ufl.mixed_element([Ve, Qe]) W = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(mesh, me) mpc = MultiPointConstraint(W) n_space, _ = W.sub(0).collapse() normal = Function(n_space) bc = dolfinx.fem.dirichletbc(inlet_velocity, dofs, W.sub(0)) mpc.create_slip_constraint(W.sub(0), (mt, i), normal, bcs=[bc])
- finalize() None [source]#
Finializes the multi point constraint. After this function is called, no new constraints can be added to the constraint. This function creates a map from the cells (local to index) to the slave degrees of freedom and builds a new index map and function space where unghosted master dofs are added as ghosts.
- property function_space#
Return the function space for the multi-point constraint with the updated index map
- homogenize(u: Function) None [source]#
For a vector, homogenize (set to zero) the vector components at the multi-point constraint slave DoF indices. This is particularly useful for nonlinear problems.
- Parameters:
u – The input vector
- property is_slave: ndarray#
Returns a vector of integers where the ith entry indicates if a degree of freedom (local to process) is a slave.
- property masters: AdjacencyList_int32#
Returns an adjacency-list whose ith node corresponds to a degree of freedom (local to process), and links the corresponding master dofs (local to process).
masters = mpc.masters masters_of_dof_i = masters.links(i)
- property num_local_slaves#
Return the number of slaves owned by the current process.
- property slaves#
Returns the degrees of freedom for all slaves local to process
- dolfinx_mpc.apply_lifting(b: Vec, form: List[Form], bcs: List[List[DirichletBC]], constraint: MultiPointConstraint, x0: List[Vec] = [], scale: float32 | float64 | complex128 | complex64 = np.float64(1.0))[source]#
Apply lifting to vector b, i.e. \(b = b - scale \cdot K^T (A_j (g_j - x0_j))\)
- Parameters:
b – PETSc vector to assemble into
form – The linear form
bcs – List of Dirichlet boundary conditions
constraint – The multi point constraint
x0 – List of vectors
scale – Scaling for lifting
- dolfinx_mpc.assemble_matrix(form: Form, constraint: MultiPointConstraint | Sequence[MultiPointConstraint], bcs: Sequence[DirichletBC] | None = None, diagval: float64 = 1, A: Mat | None = None) Mat [source]#
Assemble a compiled DOLFINx bilinear form into a PETSc matrix with corresponding multi point constraints and Dirichlet boundary conditions.
- Parameters:
form – The compiled bilinear variational form
constraint – The multi point constraint
bcs – Sequence of Dirichlet boundary conditions
diagval – Value to set on the diagonal of the matrix
A – PETSc matrix to assemble into
- Returns:
The matrix with the assembled bi-linear form #type: ignore
- Return type:
- dolfinx_mpc.assemble_matrix_nest(A: Mat, a: Sequence[Sequence[Form]], constraints: Sequence[MultiPointConstraint], bcs: Sequence[DirichletBC] = [], diagval: float64 = 1)[source]#
Assemble a compiled DOLFINx bilinear form into a PETSc matrix of type “nest” with corresponding multi point constraints and Dirichlet boundary conditions.
- Parameters:
a – The compiled bilinear variational form provided in a rank 2 list
constraints – An ordered list of multi point constraints
bcs – Sequence of Dirichlet boundary conditions
diagval – Value to set on the diagonal of the matrix (Default 1)
A – PETSc matrix to assemble into
- dolfinx_mpc.assemble_vector(form: Form, constraint: MultiPointConstraint, b: Vec | None = None) Vec [source]#
Assemble a linear form into vector b with corresponding multi point constraint
- Parameters:
form – The linear form
constraint – The multi point constraint
b – PETSc vector to assemble
- Returns:
The vector with the assembled linear form (b if supplied)
- dolfinx_mpc.assemble_vector_nest(b: Vec, L: Sequence[Form], constraints: Sequence[MultiPointConstraint])[source]#
Assemble a linear form into a PETSc vector of type “nest”
- Parameters:
b – A PETSc vector of type “nest”
L – A sequence of linear forms
constraints – An ordered list of multi point constraints
- dolfinx_mpc.create_matrix_nest(a: Sequence[Sequence[Form]], constraints: Sequence[MultiPointConstraint])[source]#
Create a PETSc matrix of type “nest” with appropriate sparsity pattern given the provided multi points constraints
- Parameters:
a – The compiled bilinear variational form provided in a rank 2 list constraints: An ordered list of multi point constraints
- dolfinx_mpc.create_sparsity_pattern(form: Form, mpc: MultiPointConstraint | Sequence[MultiPointConstraint])[source]#
Create sparsity-pattern for MPC given a compiled DOLFINx form
- Parameters:
form – The form
mpc – For square forms, the MPC. For rectangular forms a list of 2 MPCs on axis 0 & 1, respectively
- dolfinx_mpc.create_vector_nest(L: Sequence[Form], constraints: Sequence[MultiPointConstraint]) Vec [source]#
Create a PETSc vector of type “nest” appropriate for the provided multi point constraints
- Parameters:
L – A sequence of linear forms
constraints – An ordered list of multi point constraints
- Returns:
A PETSc vector of type “nest” #type: ignore
- Return type: