Integration measures#

In this section we will cover how to compute different kinds of integrals in DOLFINx. To illustrate this, we will use the mesh from Meshes from external sources. In this section we explore how different mesh resolutions and mesh order can affect the quality of the solution. We will also explore potential drawbacks.

First, we create a convenience function for generating the mesh from the Meshes from external sources, where the only input parameter is the mesh resolution and order.

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from mpi4py import MPI
import dolfinx
import ufl
import gmsh
import numpy as np

aspect_ratio = 0.5
R_i = 0.3
R_e = 0.8
center = (0,0,0)

def generate_mesh(resolution: float, order:int):
    """Generate a mesh with a given minimal resolution of a given order."""
    assert order >= 1

    inner_disk = gmsh.model.occ.addDisk(*center, R_i, aspect_ratio * R_i)
    outer_disk = gmsh.model.occ.addDisk(*center, R_e, R_e)

    _, map_to_input = gmsh.model.occ.fragment(
                [(2, outer_disk)], [(2, inner_disk)]

    circle_inner = [surface[1] for surface in map_to_input[1] if surface[0] == 2]
    circle_outer = [surface[1] for surface in map_to_input[0] if surface[0] == 2 and surface[1] not in circle_inner]

    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, circle_inner, tag=3)
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, circle_outer, tag=7)

    inner_boundary = gmsh.model.getBoundary([(2, entity) for entity in circle_inner], recursive=False, oriented=False)
    outer_boundary = gmsh.model.getBoundary([(2, entity) for entity in circle_outer], recursive=False, oriented=False)

    interface = [boundary[1] for boundary in inner_boundary if boundary[0] == 1]
    ext_boundary = [boundary[1] for boundary in outer_boundary if boundary[0] == 1 and boundary[1] not in interface]

    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(1, interface, tag=12)
    gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(1, ext_boundary, tag=15)

    gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax", resolution)

    mesh, cell_marker, facet_marker =, MPI.COMM_WORLD, 0, gdim=2)
    return mesh, cell_marker, facet_marker

Integration over cells#

We start by integrating over the cells of a (linear) mesh.

linear_mesh, linear_celltags, linear_facettags = generate_mesh(0.2, 1)

Next we want to specify an integration measure. This can be done in two ways, either by calling the ufl.Measure constructor with the string "dx" or by or by calling ufl.dx.

dx = ufl.dx(domain=linear_mesh)
dx_equivalent = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=linear_mesh)

We can now compute the area of the domain by integrating the constant function 1 over the domain.

area = 1 * dx

area is a symbolic expression for the integral over the domain. We now want to assemble (compute this value) for the given mesh.

Assembly of a scalar value in parallel

  1. Compile the form (generate code for the scalar form).

  2. Compute the local contribution of each cell owned by the current process.

  3. Accumulate the local contributions across all processes.

compiled_area = dolfinx.fem.form(area)
local_area = dolfinx.fem.assemble_scalar(compiled_area)
global_area = linear_mesh.comm.allreduce(local_area, op=MPI.SUM)

We can compare this to the area of the exact geometry

A_ex = np.pi*R_e**2
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print(f"Area of the domain is {global_area:.3e}, expected {A_ex:3e}\n",
      f"Relative error: {np.abs(global_area - A_ex)/A_ex*100:.2f}%")
Area of the domain is 1.991e+00, expected 2.010619e+00
 Relative error: 0.97%

We observe a small error in the total area of the circle, but what about the area of each subdomain?

Integration over subdomains#

In the mesh generation, we marked the inner ellipsoid with the value 3 and the remainder of the domain with the value 7. We get this information from the linear_celltags and linear_facettags variables, as shown in The DOLFINx Meshtags object. We can use this information within the ufl.Measure to restrict the integration to a subdomain.

dx_with_data = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=linear_mesh, subdomain_data=linear_celltags)

We can now create a form which only integrates over the cells marked with the value 3 with the following syntax


Remember that to call assemble on any form we need to multiply by an integration measure.

inner_area = dolfinx.fem.form(1*dx_with_data(3))

We can also pass multiple markers within the same restriction

total_area = dolfinx.fem.form(1*dx_with_data((3, 7)))
outer_area = dolfinx.fem.form(1*dx_with_data(7))

We can now assemble the forms as before. Since we will do this many times in this demo, we create a convenience function for assembling and accumulating a scalar value:

def assemble(form: ufl.Form|dolfinx.fem.Form)->dolfinx.default_scalar_type:
    compiled_form = dolfinx.fem.form(form)
    local_form = dolfinx.fem.assemble_scalar(compiled_form)
    return compiled_form.mesh.comm.allreduce(local_form, op=MPI.SUM)

We also create a convenience function for computing the relative error between an approximate solution a and the exact solution a_ex:

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def relative_error(a, a_ex):
    """Return the relative error in percent
    :param a: The approximate value
    :param a_ex: The exact value (cannot be 0)
    :return: Relative error in percent
    return np.abs(a - a_ex)/a_ex*100

We have that the area of the ellipsoid should be

A_ex_inner = np.pi*R_i*aspect_ratio*R_i

We can now compare the computed areas to the exact areas

Comparison of areas#

ellipsoid_area = assemble(inner_area)
donut_area = assemble(outer_area)
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print(f"Number of elements: {linear_mesh.topology.index_map(linear_mesh.topology.dim).size_global}")
print(f"Inner area: {ellipsoid_area:.5e}, Exact: {A_ex_inner:.5e}\n",
      f"Relative error: {relative_error(ellipsoid_area, A_ex_inner):.2f}%")
print(f"Outer area: {donut_area:.5e}, Exact: {global_area - A_ex_inner:.5e}\n",
      f"Relative error: {relative_error(donut_area, A_ex-A_ex_inner):.2f}%")
Number of elements: 152
Inner area: 1.25873e-01, Exact: 1.41372e-01
 Relative error: 10.96%
Outer area: 1.86523e+00, Exact: 1.84973e+00
 Relative error: 0.21%

We observe quite large errors in the area computations.

Comparison on refined mesh#

We create a refine mesh and compile the forms for the two domains

fine_linear_mesh, flct, ffct = generate_mesh(0.1, 1)
dx_fine = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=fine_linear_mesh, subdomain_data=flct)
inner_area = dolfinx.fem.form(1*dx_fine(3))
outer_area = dolfinx.fem.form(1*dx_fine(7))

We assemble the scalar value as before

ellipsoid_area = assemble(inner_area)
donut_area = assemble(outer_area)
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print(f"Number of elements: {fine_linear_mesh.topology.index_map(fine_linear_mesh.topology.dim).size_global}")
print(f"Area of the domain is {ellipsoid_area+donut_area:.5e}, expected {A_ex:.5e}\n", 
      f"Relative error: {relative_error(ellipsoid_area+donut_area, A_ex):.2f}%")
print(f"Inner area: {ellipsoid_area:.5e}, Exact: {A_ex_inner:.5e}\n",
      f"Relative error: {relative_error(ellipsoid_area, A_ex_inner):.2f}%")
print(f"Outer area: {donut_area:.5e}, Exact: {A_ex - A_ex_inner:.5e}\n",
      f"Relative error: {relative_error(donut_area, A_ex-A_ex_inner):.2f}%")
Number of elements: 541
Area of the domain is 2.00554e+00, expected 2.01062e+00
 Relative error: 0.25%
Inner area: 1.36597e-01, Exact: 1.41372e-01
 Relative error: 3.38%
Outer area: 1.86894e+00, Exact: 1.86925e+00
 Relative error: 0.02%

However, how fine of a mesh do we need if we use third order elements?

Comparison on a curved mesh#

We use the coarsest mesh resolution from the above examples, and create a mesh with triangles with third order polynomials describing each facet.

curved_mesh, cct, cft = generate_mesh(0.2, 3)

We repeat the process from above

dx_curved = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=curved_mesh, subdomain_data=cct)
inner_area = dolfinx.fem.form(1*dx_curved(3))
outer_area = dolfinx.fem.form(1*dx_curved(7))
ellipsoid_area = assemble(inner_area)
donut_area = assemble(outer_area)
Number of elements: 152
Area of the domain is 2.01062e+00, expected 2.01062e+00
 Relative error: 0.00%
Inner area: 1.41285e-01, Exact: 1.41372e-01
 Relative error: 0.06%
Outer area: 1.86934e+00, Exact: 1.86925e+00
 Relative error: 0.00%

We observe that we get an extremely accurate estimate of the area. Should we therefore always use higher order meshes?

Potential drawbacks of higher order grids#

In most problems, we are not just computing the surface area or volume of the mesh. We usually have an unknown \(u_h\) that we need to solve a PDE for.

If we choose a sub-parametric approach, where we use a lower order space for the unknown \(u_h\) than for the mesh geometry, the solution will be poorly represented. There is therefore a balancing act between using a high resolution grid and higher order elements.

It is usual to have higher order convergence rates when using higher order elements, so my rule of thumb is: If you use a higher order function-space for your unknown, and you are able to mesh your geometry with a higher order element, then do so.

The exception to this rule is when you are working with piecewise straight geometries, such as squares and boxes, as there is no benefit in using higher order elements for these geometries.

Integration over facets#

There are other integration measures that can be used in DOLFINx.

  1. "dx" - Integration over all cells in your mesh

  2. "ds" - Integration over all exterior facets in your mesh (All facets connected to only a single cell)

  3. "dS" - Integration over all interior facets in your mesh (All facets connected to two cells)

We can use the facet markers to integrate over the boundary of the domain

ds_linear = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=linear_mesh, subdomain_data=linear_facettags)

For the example at hand, we only have one external boundary, which means that it is equivalent to write ds_linear or ds_linear(15)

Example: Boundary integral with spatially varying functions#

In this example we will consider the boundary integral

\[ \int_{\partial\Omega} g n \cdot v ~\mathrm{d}s\qquad \forall v \in V, \]

where g(x) is a known function, n the outwards pointing facet normal and v a test function.

We create a spatially varying function with ufl.SpatialCoordinate and use ufl.FacetNormal to symbolically describe the outward pointing normal

def linear_form(element, domain):
    x, y = ufl.SpatialCoordinate(domain)
    g = ufl.sin(x)*ufl.cos(y)
    n = ufl.FacetNormal(domain)
    V = dolfinx.fem.functionspace(domain, element)
    v = ufl.TestFunction(V)
    ds = ufl.Measure("ds", domain=domain)
    return ufl.inner(g*n, v) * ds

We start by considering a linear element

linear_el = ("Lagrange", 1, (2, ))

L1 = linear_form(linear_el, linear_mesh)

Similarly, we create a form for the curved mesh

L2 = linear_form(linear_el, curved_mesh)

Comparison of the integrals#

We can use UFL to analyze the integrals. One of the tools we can use is an estimator of the polynomial degree of the integrand

from ufl.algorithms import expand_derivatives, estimate_total_polynomial_degree


  • Do we expect the estimated polynomial degree to be the same for the two integrals?

print(f"Linear mesh {estimate_total_polynomial_degree(expand_derivatives(L1))}")
print(f"Curved mesh {estimate_total_polynomial_degree(expand_derivatives(L2))}")
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Linear mesh 7
Curved mesh 14


Having a higher polynomial estimate means that we require more quadrature points to represent the integrand accurately. This can lead to a higher computational cost.

We can use basix to investigate how many quadrature points there are in different default rules.

import basix
points, weights = basix.make_quadrature(
    linear_mesh.basix_cell(), 7, basix.QuadratureType.Default)
print(f"Number of quadrature points: {points.shape[0]}")
Number of quadrature points: 15
points, weights = basix.make_quadrature(
    linear_mesh.basix_cell(), 15, basix.QuadratureType.Default)
print(f"Number of quadrature points: {points.shape[0]}")
Number of quadrature points: 49

This means that we will do three times the amount of computations on the curved mesh compared to the linear mesh. There is also the additional consequence that the Jacobian computation is moved into the quadrature loop of the assembly kernels.

How to reduce the computational cost#

One way to reduce the computational cost is to fix the quadrature rule to a given order. We can do this through the metadata parameter in the ufl.Measure object.

dx_restricted = ufl.Measure("dx", domain=curved_mesh, metadata={"quadrature_degree": 7})

This will override the estimated values by UFL.

Variational crimes

Reducing the accuracy of the integration by lowering the quadrature rule is considered to be a variational crime [Suli12] (Chapter 3.4) and should be done with caution.



Endre Süli. Lecture notes on finite element methods for partial differential equations. 2012. URL: